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Hydrogen Peroxide Luciferin (PCL-1) is a chemoselective bioluminescent probe for noninvasive real-time imaging and quantification of hydrogen peroxide fluxes in cell culture and living animals

Hydrogen Peroxide Luciferin (PCL-1), 5mg

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Luciferin (PCL-1) is a chemoselective bioluminescent probe for noninvasive real-time imaging and quantification of hydrogen peroxide fluxes in cell culture and living animals (5). The design of PCL-1 is based on a boronic acid-caged firefly D-luciferin molecule that selectively reacts with H2O2 to release D-luciferin, which triggers a bioluminescent response in the presence of firefly luciferase. The PCL-1 probe has high sensitivity and selectivity of hydrogen peroxide. Combined with the favorable properties of bioluminescence for in vivo imaging, it represents a unique technology for real-time detection of physiological levels of H2O2 both in vitro and in vivo. 

  • Flat shipping fee $100. The product ships on dry ice.

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